Canadian Teachers Federation (CTF) works to ensure that a strong publicly funded education system is recognized as strategically important to Canada’s competitiveness in a global knowledge economy. CTF advocates investment in the education of children as the most effective way to develop active and engaged citizens who will contribute to the social and economic health of our country.

Through our services as a national organization, we coordinate and complement activities of our Member organizations to present a strong collective national voice for teachers and to deliver leadership in the development of public policy on education and related social issues.

Delivering Value for Members:

  • Advocacy at the national level on issues relevant to the cause of public education
  • National clearinghouse for education research and knowledge sharing
  • Collection, analysis and reporting on trends in education
  • Support, advocacy, and tools that strengthen Members’ collective bargaining capacity
  • International exchange and volunteer opportunities through Project Overseas

Canadian Teachers' Federation
2490 Don Reid Drive
Ottawa ON K1H 1E1
