Looking for an easy way to get caught up on the latest in teen dating violence research? Up-to-date, empirical research has a critical role to play in the practice of Teen Dating Violence intervention programs, and PREVNet aims to support ease-of-access to this research.

A number of cutting-edge research articles have been selected for their direct applicability to our Community of Practice projects, and two-page summaries have been generated from each article. Each month, we’ll feature four of these plain-language summaries in a blog post. Whether you are a part of PREVNet’s Community of Practice Addressing Youth Dating Violence, or a parent, caregiver, or educator, these research summaries will provide you with the crucial information needed for teen dating violence awareness and intervention.

You can view all of our research summaries here, or keep reading to see the featured articles for August.

Study of an Online Program for Healthy, Nonviolent Relationships

This study evaluates the effectiveness of a universal, online dating violence prevention program called Teen Choices, designed to address barriers to program implementation such as time constraints, lack of resources, and inadequate teacher training. This study supports the use of Teen Choices, a universal, evidence-based, online program that is practical, tailored to each student, and can be administered quickly and effectively.

Read the two-page summary here.

Full Reference: Levesque, D. A., Johnson, J. L., Welch, C. A., Prochaska, M. J., & Paiva, A. L. (2016). Teen dating violence prevention: Cluster-randomized trial of teen choices, an online, stage-based program for healthy, nonviolent relationships. Psychology of Violence, 6(3), 421-432.

Reviewing Therapeutic Interventions for Victims and Perpetrators 

This study examines 10 therapeutic interventions that were developed in the United States and Ibero-America (Colombia, Mexico and Puerto Rico. This work is important because it summarizes the current scholarly research on teen dating violence intervention in order to provide educators, scholars, and the general public with an understanding about what TDV intervention strategies are available and have been evaluated.

Read the two-page summary here.

Full Reference: Yanez-Peñúñuri, L. Y., Martínez-Gómez, J. A., Rey-Anacona, C. A. (2019). Therapeutic intervention for victims and perpetrators of dating violence: A systematic review. Revisita Iberoamericana De Psicología Y Salud, 10(2), 107-121.

Examining Risk Markers for Dating Violence Perpetration 

This study is examines risk and protective factors for perpetration of physical teen dating violence (TDV) among both males and females. The purpose is to understand correlates of physical TDV perpetration among adolescents aged 13-19, in order to help guide prevention efforts. The findings of this review are key for TDV prevention programs, as they suggest important prevention targets.

Read the two-page summary here.

Full Reference: Spencer, C. M., Toews, M. L., Anders, K. M., & Emanuels, S. K. (2019). Risk markers for physical teen dating violence perpetration: A Meta-Analysis. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 1-13.

How Childhood Maltreatment Affects Adult Relationships 

This study explores the various avenues that may explain the influence of child maltreatment on adult relationships. This study looked at antisocial tendencies and relational aggression in a group of children who both had and hadn’t experienced maltreatment, and then surveyed these children a decade later to see if maltreatment was related to negative relationship quality in early adulthood. This work indicates that early intervention programs for children experiencing maltreatment are critical for reducing the chance of adult relationship problems.

Read the two-page summary here.

Full Reference: Handley, E. D., Russotti, J., Rogosch, F. A., Cicchetti, D. (2019). Developmental cascades from child maltreatment to negative friend and romantic interactions in emerging adulthood. Development and Psychopathology, 31, 1649-1659.